03. dic, 2020

Tomato and coconut soup with puff pastry sticks

Level of difficulty:

60 minutes

    Ingredients for tomato and coconut soup

  • 500 g SENNA Tomatenbasis Sauce
  • 250 ml vegetable stock
  • 250 ml unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 bulb of ginger
  • 1 chopped garlic clove
  • 1 finely diced onion
  • 1 red chilli, fresh, finely chopped
  • Monini Classico native olive oil extra
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Basil
  • Ingredients for puff pastry sticks

  • 1500 g SENNA Frostfein Blätterteigblock (puff pastry block)
  • 250 g grated mozzarella
  • 50 g grated mozzarella as topping

Used SENNA Products:

1249353 Senna Blaetterteig

SENNA Blätterteigblock

Art.Nr.: 1249353 | 1,5kg (6 x 1,5kg)

1249603 Monini Classico 3L

Monini Classico natives Olivenöl extra

Art.Nr.: 1249603 | 3l (4 x 3l)

1249535 Senna Tomatenbasissauce 415Kg

SENNA Cucina Italiana Tomatenbasis-Sauce

• Sapore mediterraneo e autentico
• Polpa di pomodoro in salsa delicata di pomodoro
• Base ideale per ricette italiane

Art.Nr.: 1249535 | 4,15kg (3 x 4,15kg)

1236224 Senna Grillsauce 700G Tube

SENNA Grill Sauce

• Sapore piccante e gustoso
• Con pomodoro, peperoncino, cipolla e tenero mais

Art.Nr.: 1236224 | 700g (6 x 700g)


  1. To make the puff pastry sticks, first leave the SENNA puff pastry block to defrost in its film.
  2. As soon as the pastry has defrosted, work in 250 g of grated mozzarella.
  3. Roll out the pastry to a thickness of 2.2 mm and cut into pieces 0.5 cm wide and 8 cm long.
  4. Roll these pieces into sticks and sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella.
  5. Then bake at 220°C for approx. 20 min. depending on the size of the stick.
  6. To make the tomato and coconut soup, chop the onion, garlic, ginger and chilli finely and sauté briefly in Monini olive oil.
  7. Then deglaze with SENNA Tomatenbasis Sauce and vegetable stock, cover and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
  8. Finally, stir in the coconut milk and season with salt and sugar to taste.
  9. Serve the tomato and coconut soup in a mug and decorate with the puff pastry sticks and basil.

Our Tip

Add a little SENNA Grill Sauce to the soup to give it more zest!
